
Testimoni :Period Lebih Lancar and no more period pain

sharing is caring..testimoni from one of my friend..
tidak salah kalau kita berkongsi sesuatu yang sangat baik terutamanya demi kesihatan kita dan khususnya kepada wanita2 yang mengalaminya setiap bulan..
jomlah baca testimoni ini....

Why i bought PB?

Premium Beautiful membantu mengatasi masalah wanita - period pain 

so inilah ceritanya...

"My main reason is because my endometriosis & period pain..ape tu endometriosis? Erm nie ape yg diexplained oleh dr pakar tmpt sy refer ye..correct me if im wrong..
Endometriosis nie jd bile period, darah kotor tak keluar abis, and jd darah beku, menghasilkan cyst dkt ovari..

mcm my case, i mmg kene period pain yg maha hebat since my 1st period..some of my families & friends tau betapa kroniknya my period pain(especially yg pernah ddk serumah)..bile period je tak bleh nk jln, perut cramp smpi rase nk pitam, muntah dll..serius..sakit smpi menangis2 and end up mkn painkiller..tdo, bile bgn sakit balek..uhuhuhu..

So bile jumpe pakar, detect plak endometriosis..both ovaries ade tu br kawen, so doctor bg 6bulan utk pregnant sbb takmo proceed dgn endoskopi/operation..katenye kalo wat operation ade 50-50 samada still bleh pregnant atau tak boleh pregnant trus..uhuhuhu..

Alhamdulillah lps 2bln kawen I pregnant, and lps deliver, checked balek cyst dh takde..(cyst mengecut if kita tak period, so pregnant slh 1 cr utk mengecutkan yg di explained oleh dr dulu yeee)

And lps deliver, i fully BF aish and after 10months, dtg 1st period and skt tu still ckp lps deliver period pain takde, but i'm not the lucky 1 i guess..uhuhuhu..

So bile nk dtg period je, I akan kene skt2 perut at least 2weeks br dtg period..period mmg tak regular langsung laa..nk dtg, dtg..kalo tak sakit la perut, tunggu la period..uhuhuhu...

Lastly jumpe pakar balek, and scan ada cyst both sides.uhuhuhu..kali ni doctor bgtau yg cyst ni akan dtg bile sama gak die suggest either pregnant, amik pil hormon atau endoskopi..

Ms tu diskas dgn hubby, mmg nk pregnant tp after aish 2thn sbb nk fully BF..hormon pil mmg tak nk amik sbb still BF..and endoskopi still with 50-50 chances..tak berani amik risiko..uhuhuhu..

So lps bace2 testi psl PB, bgtau hubby nk try gune PB tp of coz la niat ditentang..ahahahah..mahal tu pon mcm nk beli ke tak..takut bile beli, tp tak bg efek yg diharapkan..

Hubby suh yakinkan die yg PB ni btol2 berkesan tp die takmo gune testi2 org yg die tak kenali..ahahahah..pengsan nk convincekan fren's punye testi2 die terime tp die nk org yg die btol2 kenal n nmpk efek dpn mata..

Sampailaa ms ade kursus dkt kl(before gi haji dulu), gi rumah cousin n suddenly nmpk beg PB, and terus kepoh2 nk tau sape gune PB..ihihihi..serius she has her own testi after wearing PB, and hubby pon kenal my cousin, and alhamdulillah die pon bg beli tp lps balek dr mekah..

And after wearing PB ni, tak kene any period pain pon..even dtg period pon tak sedar sbb tibe2 je takde rs sakit perut langsung..1st time dlm 17thn period tak kene period pain..serius sgt2 hepi with the results..

Kalau sebelum ni tak percaya with the product tp bile dh pki sendiri, and rs sendiri perubahan dkt diri, ok berbaloi beli PB..mmg mahal tp puas hati..serius..rugi rase tak beli dr ape2 pon psl my endometriosis ni, akan ade follow up in jan..and nk tgk la cyst still ade or dh mengecut..insyaallah..harap2 la mengecut sbb period kali ni lancar je keluar.."

Sayangilah diri anda...adakah setiap bulan anda ingin menanggung kesakitan yang menyakitkan ini..yang sakinya smpai nak guling2..aduhhh tak sanggup rasanya menanggung kesakitan jaga kesihatan semua..

bagaimana nak miliki korset premium beautiful ini ??
mudah saja, just contact saya 

012.762 7654 | 

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